Tuesday 2 October 2007


One more drink tonight as your gray stallion rests
Where he lays in the reins
For all of the speed and the strength he gave

One more kiss tonight from some tall stable girl
She’s like grace from the earth
When you’re all tuckered out and tame

One more tired thing the gray moon on the rise
When your want from the day
Makes you to curse in your sleep at night

One more gift to bring we may well find you laid
Like your steed in his reins
Tangled too tight and too long to fight


SteamyDreamer said...

seInteresting....no clue who the author is...but I am guessing a song...probably ballad type so a guitar song perchance? Is it an English group?

SteamyDreamer said...

ok how did the se get before the word Interesting???? Interesting indeed.........

EL PADRONE said...


If you use a laptop with a touch sensitive keypad letters can end up anywhere.

Mine has a mind of it's own.

No - the songwriter is American (Carolina I believe), young and recent (2005).

SteamyDreamer said...

That could be it. I can't get into my desk so at home I have converted the kitchen table into a desk and use my laptop. Wonder if there is a way to turn off the dang thang cuz I never use it.