Sunday 9 December 2007

More Ghosts Appear And Fade Away (Possibly)

And she and I would sleep on a boat
And swim in the sea without clothes
With rain falling fast on the sea
While she was swimming away, she'd be winking at me
Telling me it would all be okay
Out on the horizon and fading away
And I'd swim to the boat and I'd laugh
I gotta get me a Sylvia Plath

And maybe she'd take me to France
Or maybe to Spain and she'd ask me to dance
In a mansion on the top of a hill
She'd ash on the carpets
And slip me a pill
Then she'd get pretty loaded on gin
And maybe she'd give me a bath
How I wish I had a Sylvia Plath

It must be near Xmas. Ex-girlfriends are appearing everwhere.
Why do I get this funny,sinking feeling ?

( No answer necessary).


Eva Gale said...

Maybe you're calling them to you.

EL PADRONE said...

Possibly - in a subliminal sort of way.


SteamyDreamer said...

My son says he always breaks up with any girl he is going with (known only 2 in 8 years) right before Christmas, Valentine's Day, their birthday, and their anniversary. Therefore he doesn't need to get a gift for them. Guess I should feel honored I get a gift.